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Ralph Charles Yuxwuletun Goodwin says:Your comment is awaiting moderation.
January 23, 2014 at 7:14 pm : Putting Canada's Senate On Ice
It was not within jurisdiction for non-indigenous Original Peoples of Turtle Island North to form founding assemblies; which proceeded to establish governance by British subjects. Original indigenous Peoples of these said territories remain the legitimate governing authorities. Non-indigenous parties arrived safely by the Two Row Wampum / Gus Wen Tah (Peace, Trust, Friendship) protocols; which included the conditional clause that where any visiting vessel failed to respect the Covenant Chain / the Great Peace that the right to enter the waterways would be rescinded. Chief Deskaheh travelled to Switzerland in 1923 to speak with the League of Nations on the matters of accumulated violations. Canada [not a country] and Britain refused speaking permission. Indian Residential and Day School victims continue to live under the travesty of the military strategies of "assimilation". Submissions have now (August 2013) be filed with the United Nations Security Council under alleged Charter violations; seeking "Canada" credentials to be rescinded per no original or continued jurisdiction; and, continued illicit military occupation. In 1849 James Edward Fitzgerald (originally to be the first premier of BC) published a 380 page analysis of the history of the Hudson Bay Company Charter; rationalising that this HBC did not possess British parliamentary authority to be chartered; and, that the original monarch Letters Patent had limited the HBC to only enter into trade agreements; not, to acquire properties (acquiring properties was exclusively different from acquiring rights to form government). Provinces and the federal 1867 BNA are specious documents; not within any standing authority by international or indigenous Turtle Island North laws. Hence, there is no authority to consider amending the Senate, when there is no original authority to form government. Huy’ch’qu’ / thank you / merci / miiqwich / Truth originates from siem’stum / respect. In its absence; thuggery reigns.